White Christmas

December 29, 2009

So Rob has been bugging me to post something since we started this blog and I’m finally doing it! (The good news is I already know my New Year’s resolution: blog and blog often). I thought I’d recap our memorable two days in Ft. Calhoun, snowed in with my Dad and family, with short snippets about what we did.

Dave Ramsey. The Quiz. cheesy potatoes. Poker. losing in poker (me). winning in poker (rob). AYIYIYIYI (ramey). Band hero. ABC. Brad and those bushes. The YES house. The Tempurpedic. Mukluks. That damn tempurpedic. Showers. No showers. “This wedding is horseshit.” Marley and ME. Aunt Nancy called. My Fit Food. Ramey’s surface area. “What’s Nan doing?” Ted’s snowblower. “Scarlet, where are you?” BAD DOG! Wine. More wine. Bud Light. More Bud Light. Petron. Water, please? Scrabble. Bovine. Slow play. Baby names. “I think I may have been overserved last night.” Act your wage. Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. QUIET PLEASE. Mary, did you know? Merry Christmas. Did you call Aunt Nancy back?

Feel free to add your own in the comments box!