What Happens When You Give Up Target For Lent

April 22, 2014

Target is my happy place. So when I failed to give up any of my favorite foods, Facebook or fun in general for Lent, I decided to give up the Bullseye for 40 days. 40 looong days.

Rob joined me in this venture, except the day he cheated on me with another woman.

I’d know that nail polish anywhere.
I had to, he said. I couldn’t get this anywhere else, he said. #weak

But for 39 days, we made it work and here’s how:

-by using deodorant that burned Rob’s armpits because the grocery store doesn’t sell his brand
-by utilizing all of our travel toothpaste
-by having grandma give Gabby diapers for Easter
-by handing Gabby pacifiers designed for newborns after Howie ate all our MAMs
-by not combing Faith’s hair on a daily basis because we didn’t have her detangler
-by allowing Faith to wear shoes that were probably too small for a few weeks
-by buying Cascade at Menards
-by continuing to procrastinate on printing pictures
-by regifting giving creative gifts
-by stuffing Easter eggs with Valentine’s day candy

Hey, it wasn’t easy for any of us. But it was all worth it for this:

I sent this picture to Rob the other day with the caption: How You Like Me Now?
As an Easter present to ourselves, we planned to make a Target run on Sunday, but not before we ate our weight in cheesy potatoes. Word to the wise: Target is not open on Easter Sunday. Good for them. Sad for us. Not only could we not get the necessities we so desperately needed, we also couldn’t walk off our carbs. We settled for Starbucks (Rob’s happy place) and a cookie for our little peep who woke up puking BEFORE she even ate any candy. #kidfail
Faithy feeling better after she puke-ded — her new word.
People continue to ask us  if we take advantage of our new roommates as built-in, free babysitters. Them offering to babysit on Easter Monday actually cost us money. $228 to be exact. We’re never doing date night at Target again.