Valentine’s Day (A man’s take)

February 13, 2011

I’ve never been much for Valentine’s Day. I’ve done the roses, candy, gifts, cards thing with Nicole before, but I am a guy. For the most part, I feel that Valentine’s Day has become a “buy me this or you don’t get that” holiday for most people. Nicole, in many respects, has the feeling that “if you get me something from the heart, then I will continue loving you forever.” That’s my guess anyway.

I had decided for this year to make an animated video of refrigerator magnets moving and spelling out “I love you” and “Happy Valentines Day”. It was kind of dorky and cute, just like me. *PS – We have already exchanged gifts so this isn’t blowing the surprise. Had it not been such low quality, I would show it to you here.

But today Nicole and I did a little exchange (she got me a running/training shirt; I got her a bottle of wine and cards from me, Howie, and Faith).  I knew Nicole was also doing a video of some sorts; come on, we were both Journalists. This is it (the quality of photo is because of the size of file):

Now, I don’t get sappy, but this is good. I think it’s very important to say that I love my wife very, very much. She does so much for me, for Faith, and for our family that my words and blog posts don’t do justice. This video was basically a time line of our lives together, and it brought a tear to my eye. She understands that Valentine’s Day isn’t just an excuse to buy a card and then ya know. Maybe one day I’ll understand that a little more too. This did help.

To finish it off: guys, do the extra something for your girls. Girls, do the minimal for your guys. In both cases, remind them that you don’t need a specific date to show that you love them.

Wow, that was about as sappy as I get.
