Two Year Olds Say the Darndest Things

July 2, 2012

I present to you…Faithisms.

Weird sayings call for weird pictures!

(While pointing to George Washington on a $1 bill) “Dat Jesus!”

“Don’t be a goat!” (We have no idea where this came from.)

Me: “Faithy, do you have any brothers or sisters?” Faith: “My Howie!”

“I have a owie on my knee.” (Subject + verb + direct object followed by a prepositional phrase = one happy journalism majoring mama.)

(As I was leaving an aisle in Target that Faith didn’t want to leave) “Wadeaminutewadeaminutewadeaminute.”

After leaving a wedding at a church last weekend, “Bye Bye, Jesus”

Faith got a baby for her birthday. She named the baby Susie. “Where baby Susie go? Baby Susie need a nap. Baby Susie want her binky.”

“I go to a dirthday pawty.”

Me: “Can Mommy have a cupcake?” Faith: “No, it’s too hot.”

(Everytime we put Faith in the car) “We go to Papa-Gammy’s house?”

After meeting her Grandma Cindy’s kitty cat, “BubbaJo BubbaJo BubbaJo” every time she sees a cat. To her credit, it is pretty fun to say.

Whenever we ask her a question she says, “Ummmm” and then the answer. Pretty funny.

She also says, “Mommy, peez help. I can’t.” Love the asking for help part, hate the word can’t.

“Bye bye, have a gud day!”