To New Beginnings

June 13, 2010

Say hello to our new door. It was on Mr. Lindquist’s and my wish list for awhile and we were able to check it off of our list of home remodeling projects recently. I love it. It lets so much natural sunlight in and we can now see what’s going on outside.

I read somewhere that a new door is very symbolic of your house or maybe I just made that up to justify the purchase of ours, however, I do feel like it sort of represents the changes that are about to take place in our lives here in the next week or two. Just like we do with our door, we will see things in a totally different and amazing way very soon. Baby Lindquist will bring a lot more light into our lives and I don’t think we can even prepare ourselves for how much she will change us for the better.

I wish I could find the words to express how eager I am to meet this little person as “excited” just doesn’t cut it. It’s funny because when you’re searching for a significant other, you never know how, where or when it will happen so it’s kind of a surprise. But with a baby, you know exactly when they’re (supposed to be) coming and the anticipation of meeting someone you know you will love more than anything in the world, (sorry Howie) is comparable to what a kid experiences on Christmas Eve, but every single night.

Our daughter’s due date is just one week away. Every day I wake up I think, “will this be the day?” but I know she will come on her own terms in her own time. I just want her to know we are ready to welcome her with open arms…and open doors too!