Three Little Words

July 29, 2011

No, not those three little words. These three:

Yes, it’s officially official. Faith has progressed from the tadpole dance scoot to crawling like a normal child to using those two little twigs God gave her. Admittedly, her gait looks as though we’ve slipped some booze in her bottle but nonetheless she’s on two feet most of the time.

So what’s with the signs you ask. Well, if you’re like me and awake way too early on weekend mornings and tend to cry when someone even thinks about dropping their hat, you may enjoy Good Morning America’s “Your Three Words.”

This is one of my favorites.

This weekend’s segment may or may not feature this video, starring Miss Faith Lindquist.

SHE CAN WALK, people! And we’re so, so happy. Our baby girl is growing up 🙂