The Times They Are a-Changin’

August 9, 2010

As the song title suggests, some changes are coming in the life of a Lindquist (actually, all three). First and foremost, I start school this week. This obviously means I won’t be home as much. I am extremely lucky to have been around during the summer while the bump formerly known as Baby L (also see: Lucy, Lady Gaga, Lilly, Wilma, and Robette) transforms our lives. *Beware: the following is a series of series that might make you wish my comma key broke.* I’ve been privy to exploding diapers, monster burps/farts (mostly Faith’s), wake-up calls, multiple clothes changes, baths, walks, and naps. But even more importantly, I’ve seen the little baby grow from “the baby” to Faith with smiles, winks, screaming fits mixed with giggles, coos, and belly time on my chest. It blows my mind that almost seven weeks ago she was still a blip on the radar. And now, I won’t be around for every minute. This week Nicole takes over full time, with help only coming between the hours of 3ish p.m. to 6ish a.m.

I have it easy. I’m expected to change diapers and clean messes. I don’t do nearly as much as Nicole – but I try to make it easier on her when I can. And now that’s going to lessen. Even with the changes, I know I’ll be able to come home to a wonderful family that expects me to be me. Howie knows I’ll let him out and feed him. Nicole knows I’ll help her and be the best husband/father I can. And eventually, Faith will know I will be there whenever she calls, for whatever reason, no matter what. This is winning the lottery.

So, to commemorate this upcoming change (not really, but it’s a transition for the English teacher) I have decided to update the blog. We (Nicole and I) have been blogging primarily about Faith, so I found a more “baby friendly” theme. There are also a few tweaks here and there, but for the most part it’s the same. I’m guessing most readers aren’t looking at the exhaustive details anyway because of the in-depth writing. *insert cheesy-winky-smiley thing here*

Finally, this is my favorite picture of Faith so far. I’m sure that fact will change often; with the times (wow, that was corny).
