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January 17, 2011

Solid Foods: I don’t know what Faith has against them, but add bananas and pears to her “no thanks” list.
In an unrelated story, Rob is eating more fruit.

Sitting Study: My little guinea pig participated in a research study at UNMC’s Munroe-Meyer Institute to test out the “Balance-o-Gram.” Brad (who just loves having his picture taken) and others are testing the reliability of the balance o gram with children of typical development and those with cerebral palsy.

Speed Dating: Faith finally got to meet Gavin, my co-worker Jo’s little guy. He is a couple months younger, but like her mom, Faith knows robbing the cradle is where it’s at. Isn’t his hair adorable?!

Snow Day: Because our daycare closes when Omaha Public Schools do, we are happy Council Bluffs schools close when OPS close. Photo of Dad and Faith rockin’ out to Train circa 6:45 a.m. Monday.

Spectator: With her flexibility and clapping skills, Faith is quite the cheerleader for TJ. The Jackets lost a heartbreaker the other night despite their biggest little fan’s sporty support.

Speaking: Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure this is mama. (Mom For the computer challenged, just click the word mama for a link to the video).