The Ouch Report

April 24, 2012

I remember the first time I received an “ouch report” from daycare. Faith was on the receiving end of a bite. To sum it up, I was horrified. What kind of daycare was this? How could they let such debauchery go on? What sort of evil little person tries to take a chunk out of their “friend’s” arm? Well, I quickly learned this is very common and that I better not get too offended as someday Faith might be the one administering the pain.

After yet another ouch report last week, I decided to count all my red sheets. (Yes, I have them all in a drawer –have you met my mother? She has every piece of paper I ever thought about scribbling on).

Without further ado, I present to you the highlights of Faith’s 11 “ouch reports.”

got stuck between a swing seat and the counter — really, how does this happen?


fat lip — fell off a turtle seat (you can’t make this stuff up!)


“small” scratch — I’ll be the one to determine that, thank you.


scrape –“Faith was running and fell.” (got her coordination from her dad)


red mark on her head — “Faith was running, tripped and hit her head on the wall.” (OK, even I laughed at this one).

bite –her friend didn’t want to hold her hand during “Ring around the Rosie.” (might I suggest a teething ring?)

The call came a couple weeks ago. As per the usual, my heart stops every time my daycare calls me. I tentatively answer and they usually tell me that I need to remember to bring wipes. Well, this time they quickly told me that Faith was fine, but that she had scratched a little boy and it was “pretty bad.” They asked if they could clip her nails. I apologized profusely for something I didn’t do and gave permission for them to clip her nails. Now I knew how the parents of the biters felt. It was not a good feeling. How could someone who looks so innocent do anything like that?

I’m guessing it was time to show the biters who’s boss!