The highest compliment

March 10, 2011

Rob and I attended church in Missouri Valley this past Saturday where we made our vows to each other that fateful June day in 2007. Love that beautiful church!

St. Pat’s
RIP Grandma Willie…we miss you ๐Ÿ™‚
beautiful stained glass windows…i’m sorry for taking away my husband’s man card for this picture.  

Father Berner usually speeds through the service but he wasn’t giving the homily that day, the deacon was instead. His message started off about self-esteem. We all seek it in different forms, whether it be through our accomplishments or because of our attributes. His eventually got to the point which was this: the highest compliment one can receive in life isn’t world’s richest man:


Superbowl champion:

stud muffin alert.

 or world’s cutest baby (to which I may or may not have scoffed ๐Ÿ˜‰

…but the highest compliment one can receive in life is to be called a son or daughter of God.

Because when you’re a son or daughter of God, it’s a level playing field. No one person is better than the other. We’re all loved the same, whether black or white, rich or poor, of differing abilities or typically developing, you get the point. So consider this your compliment of the day. You, my friend, are a child of God and because of that, you are loved by Him as much as one can be loved.