“The days are long, but the years go by quickly”

September 7, 2010

After being blessed to be home with my beautiful daughter for almost 11 weeks, the above quote and title of the blog could not ring truer. Tomorrow is my first day back at work since mid-June and I cannot believe how fast time has passed. It feels like just days ago I gave birth to my baby girl just before midnight on June 24. We have definitely had some difficult days, but what a whirlwind of a summer it has been for us. These are the things I will miss the most…

my daily walks around the neighborhood w/ Faith and Howie
our (somewhat one-way) conversations on the tummy time mat
hearing Faith burp
multiple clothing changes…picking out outfits for a 2-month old never loses its appeal
the pure joy that comes with each and every single smile

Most of all I’ll miss being here….being able to respond to her every cry and coo. I know this is going to sound stupid, but I’m jealous of the daycare ladies who will get to spend so much time with my baby. I  do love my job and without it wouldn’t have been able to spend as much time at home as I have, but there will always be a part of my mind that’s constantly thinking about Faith. What she’s doing, what I’m missing and how many more minutes there are before I can see her again. She is the light of my life and her smiling face first thing in the morning when I peek over the crib brings me more happiness than anything I’ve ever accomplished for myself.

To Faith,
I hope you know how much mommy will miss you every day. I love you so much. Play nice with the other babies. Don’t do anything cool until you and daddy get home. And save all your super smiley smiles for me.
Love, Mom