The Birthday Post

September 19, 2012

So Nicole told me that the only thing she wants for her birthday is a blog post from me. I thought about going through with this in a few different ways, especially since I knew darn well that just a blog post wouldn’t do ๐Ÿ˜‰ because it’s the dirty-thirty.

Here are the ideas I came up with:

1) Since Nic loves lists so much (see any of the previous posts) I thought I could make a list of why she rocks. ***Please notice the list is the first on my list; bonus points***

2) Filming a romanticized and fairly well written soliloquy, relating my thoughts and feelings about the many wonderful qualities about my wife and posting it here.  Buying a sweet card and writing a meaningful message… man, I blew this idea.

3) Opening presents at Pizza King for surprise party.

3) Throwing a surprise birthday party (with the help of her mother!)… bingo.

4) Buying her a new set of golf irons; ooooh wait, Nicole’s 30th birthday, not mine.

5) Getting her a meaningful gift, from Faith and me, that represents my love for her, and that I’m willing to do everything I can to make her happy (including making her mad at me for silly stuff as to not ruin any surprises).

6) A trip. A house. A dirty-thirty. Well, one will have to do.

Anyway, I’m stretching now. My wife knows that I have always considered myself the luckiest guy I know. And the point of the matter is, no matter what, she is stuck with me for a long, long time. And for that: I am grateful, I am happy, and I am truly lucky.

And might I add – she got pretty lucky herself. Not because of me. No. But because of how smart, beautiful, and funny she is, she gets to pass that down to our child.

I love you dear. Happy 30th. And the nice part – from now on every birthday is your 30th ๐Ÿ™‚