The Birthday Girl’s Wish Comes True

September 20, 2010

One year ago, I wished for a family on my birthday. Not that Rob, Howie and I weren’t a family, but I wanted a little baby Lindquist to add to our happy home. Fast forward a year later as I blew out  the candle on my cake, I wished for a year of health and happiness for our new family. I know you’re not supposed to tell, but I don’t want anyone to think I was serious when I said, “we’ll see if my wish comes true in 9 months.” Rob did not find that amusing.

I find myself thinking a lot about  health and family on this birthday. Today my grandma Willie passed away after a summer of progressively worsening health. The one good thing about death is that it is a wake up call for life. When you lose someone you love, it’s a reminder not only to not take the ones who are lucky enough to be here on earth with you and your relationships with them for granted, but also your health. I personally believe anytime we can really think about those things it’s a good thing. 

So family (and friends) I want you to know how much I love you with all my heart, how much you mean to me and how much I value every second of our time here on this planet together. Especially my husband. We got into an argument today about my birthday present. Thinking about it now, it’s actually kind of funny. He hid it so well he can’t find it, so he decided to tell me what it was and for me, it ruined the surprise, thus the argument.  And while I love the other present he got me (Nike sandals that are super comfy) I love that he  and my baby girl surprised me at work on Friday afternoon even more. And though the bottle of wine he got me called “Seven Daughters” made me smile, I love that he baked me a cake, wrote “Happy Birthday Mom,” and said it was from Faith more than anything that could’ve been purchased with money. I have a great husband and I want him to know I know it.

Same goes for my mom. She got me giftcards to my favorite stores, bath towels I desperately needed and a cupcake recipe book I can’t wait to use. She always knows what I like, but I have to say I enjoyed the time we spent together walking the Corporate Cup and chit chatting more than all those other things combined.

My friend Cari and I got together for coffee and a pedicure on Saturday. While I’m grateful that dude fixed my ingrown toenail and that Cari paid for it ๐Ÿ™‚ I would’ve had just as much fun talking with her in her living room. Our conversations made my day.

If you’re noticing a trend here, you’re pretty quick. I love my family and friends and most of all, spending time with them. Those are the best birthday presents a girl could ask for. So, as I close out my last hour of being 27, I want to pass on one nugget of wisdom that’s really defined this last year. Family is EVERYTHING. Now go hug one of your family members and tell them how important they are to you. You will not regret it. And because this post is kind of a sad one, I’m posting our latest family pic and the practice pics we took leading up to it for your entertaining pleasure. Happy Fall ๐Ÿ™‚

Ladies and gentlemen this is as good as it gets.