That’s What We Said

May 3, 2020

Here are some interesting questions, comments and concerns uttered in the Lindquist house in the past month. Would love to read yours in the comments!

Faith: Is it Sunday?
Me: No! It’s Friday.
Rob: Actually, it’s Saturday.
Me: Oh.

(During my attempt at a science lesson)
Me: And do you know what a caterpillar turns into?
Calvin: YEAH! A gwasshopper!

Faith: (complaining about trying to clean while Calvin destroys her progress)
Rob: Welcome to parenthood.
Faith: I’m nine.

Gabby: (walking like a turtle)
Me: (thinking she was hurt) What’s wrong? Why are you walking so slow?
Gabby: Because I’m six!

Me to Calvin: I like being your mom!
Calvin: I yike being YOUR mom!

Me: What does everyone want for dessert?
Gabby: JELLO!
Faith: Ice cream!
Calvin: Mommy!

(While counting money from Rob’s change jar with Gabby, I told her she could pick one of the piles to put in her piggy bank when she was done)
G: I’ll probably pick the one with the least because I wouldn’t want to put too much of Dad’s money in my piggy bank.
Me: That’s the difference between you and me, girlfriend.

Gabby: There’s something in my eye.
Me: Maybe it’s a hair.
Gabby: I think it’s puberty.

(shared this one on Facebook the other day)
Faith: Do we have a urinal?
Me: WHAT!?!
Faith: (proceeds to describe a funnel)

Rob: Oh no, I got paint on my pants.
Me: (completely serious) Damn. Those are your good sweatpants, too!

There you have it -0ur favorite quotes from quarantine!