Thankful x 24

November 25, 2011

I usually reserve my 24 things posts for Faith’s big milestones, but her 17th-month birthday landed on Thanksgiving, so I thought I’d make a list of 24 things I’m thankful for this year. I would love to post a picture with each thing, but I need to save some photos for the big 24 things post on Faith’s 18-month marker, also known as Christmas Eve. And away we go…

1) a healthy baby. plain and simple.

2) my husband, who is secure enough in his manhood to enjoy crafty Christmas decorations, black Friday shopping and a dog who wears sweaters.

3) a mom who I can only hope to turn into someday. The woman is a Thanksgiving goddess.

4) ISU friends who are willing to arrive at a game 6 hours early even if we are picked to lose by 30 points (Kaylee and Eric) and rush the field with us like we’re college kids (Summer and Luke).

5) best friends from high school who will always be best friends no matter how much time passes and the distance between us.

6) in-laws who accept me with welcoming arms into their family and are easy to get along with…just don’t try to compete with grandma’s yams. 🙂

7) Faith’s expressions. The girl can grin, scowl, act surprised, play shy and light up the room with the smile in her eyes, but my favorite one is just her look that says “I’m OK, mom” when I need a little reassurance that I’m not a total screwup at this whole parenting thing.

8) a dad and stepdad who love my daughter like she is their own.

9) my job. I come up with fun things to post on Facebook and Twitter and get paid for it. Pretty soon I’ll be paid to blog for UNMC. You don’t even know how thrilled this makes me.

10) my health. Remind me of this next time I need motivation to go for a training run.

11) Howie’s personality. You never know what you’re gonna get with a dog, but we got a personable one. I trust him with children of any age, too.

12) Not that we’re rich, but I’m thankful we don’t have to worry about money. Or putting food on the table.

13) For the belief in God that was instilled in me from a young age. I love knowing there’s something for us all beyond this life.

14) Where we live. There’s nothing like being close to family for more than just the holidays.

15) My sisters and stepmom. Talk about some of the most caring, kind people you know.

16) Daycare. This one might seem weird, and maybe it’s a little bittersweet, but I’m really happy with how Faith is learning new things each day and how she gets along well with other babes.

17) my Nikon. I can’t wait to capture more of Faith’s future memories with pictures that will do them justice.

18) Paul Rhoads. He’s the only reason I maybe be going on vacation this year. Thank you bowl game.

19) my past. Sure, I’d change a few things, but I’ve loved my journey up to this point and can’t wait to see where the path leads.

20) Technology. I love that I know what so many others are thankful for this year solely because of Facebook.

21) Country music. It’s not for everyone, but Lady A, Sugarland, Zac Brown and Mr. Garth just speak to me.

22) everyone I should have mentioned but didn’t because I don’t do my best work after 8 p.m.

23) The fact that I’m a mom to a human being I helped create. How freakin’ cool is that.

24) The Native Americans and Pilgrims. Without em, I might not be typing this “Thanksgiving” post.

What are you thankful for?