
July 10, 2017

Dear Faith,
You’re officially seven-years-old and ready to hand down your “I’m 6” shirt!

This year went by fast. The school years seem to speed up time, and 1st grade was a blur for me. In addition to first grade, you celebrated many other “firsts” this year.

First training wheel-less bike ride.

You can thank dad for this. I was very pregnant and not able to run alongside you but I’m pretty sure I probably would have never let go of the seat had I been responsible for teaching you. You’ve since gone on several rides and only had one bad spill. Dad is good about making sure you get right back in the saddle, literally, after a fall.

First (and second) lost tooth:

The dentist had to pull both of your bottom baby teeth since your adult tooth was growing in behind it. As excited as you were to have them pulled and FINALLY receive a visit from the tooth fairy, you were terrified at the sight of your own blood after he pulled them out. But it was all worth it for the two $2 bills underneath your pillow the next morning.

First time selling girl scout cookies:

For the record it was mine, too. Dad says I deserve a badge for going door to door with you and helping you with marketing via Facebook, but the vest is a little small on me. I was never a girl scout, but it’s brought out the best in you. The older girls are such good role models and you all raise each other up. This literally happened at your Brownie bridging ceremony at the roller rink where you fell down approximately 437 times. By the end, with the encouragement of your friends, you were able to stay up for at least 15-20 seconds, which believe it or not was a big improvement.

First trip to the Ozarks:

First trip to Disney:

First trip down the stairs (ya can’t win em all):

First hit in machine pitch softball. Excuse the excessive “wooos” from yours truly. Just a proud mama.

First (and hopefully last) piercing:

Because you won our bet that you wouldn’t lose a tooth by the end of the school year (technically they were pulled) we went to get your ears pierced. Unfortunately they couldn’t pierce them at the same time, so we almost had to leave with one ear pierced. I was surprised how afraid you were of the pain, but you still did it. Unfortunately (again) one of the earrings fell out on the way home and dad, aunt Kris and I were each unable to re-pierce it. Trust me, we tried. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you scream that loud. Three weeks later we went back and got it re-pierced. And now, you match!

First plane ride: You are totally fake sleeping here.

First missed school day: No pic since you were puking into a bucket, but it put an end to your perfect attendance record. 🙁

First birthday party not at home:

I was not prepared for the craziness that is the Amazing Pizza Machine, but you had the time of your life. You told anyone who would listen that it was your birthday, and invoked your “birthday girl” privileges early and often throughout the day. I hope you always love this day as much as I do, because it’s the anniversary of my becoming a mom.

For every sign that you’re growing up, there’s a sign that you’re still a kid. The other day you asked if Santa will still deliver presents at college. (Awwwww!) You don’t know this yet, but you’ll be a different person by then. You’ll no longer believe in the things you do now, and probably think dad’s a nerd and I’m an overprotective worrywart who needs to chill out. It brings tears to my eyes to think about how much you’ll change in the next seven-10 years. While I know that it’s for the best (we don’t want the equivalent of a seven-year-old starting high school) but as Leanne Womack’s song said it best: I hope you never lose your sense of wonder.

Never be ashamed to be amazed at how great life can be. Family. Friendships. Fun Times. Relish in it. Continue to see the bright side of life like you do so well know. Just be you. Because I love YOU so much. Happy 7th Birthday babe!