Ouch! the Sequel

April 29, 2014

Some of you may remember the video we took of Faith laughing at her dad saying “ouch” when she was 8 months old. If not, let’s go jogging with your memory:

Adorable, right?
Some of you may also remember when a similarly aged baby totally copied off Faith and laughed hysterically at her dad, but as he ripped up paper. That baby went viral, racking up more than 68 million hits on YouTube, becoming instantly internet famous and making appearances on national TV. 
Faith’s “ouch video” has 431 hits. I’m not bitter or anything, but c’mon!
Even though we never got to meet Robin Roberts, the video was well worth it and Faith has loved watching it ever since. So imagine our pure delight when lil sis thought the same thing was hilarious. It’s possible my kids are sadistic or maybe their mom and dad need new material, but either way, we’ll take it. 
Baby giggles are the absolute best. They’re also exclusive. If an adult tries to slap me on the nose and laugh his or her heart out when I say ouch: not so endearing. And I definitely wouldn’t post it on YouTube for the world to see. Now cross your fingers that this video goes viral and pays for the Lindquist ladies’ post-secondary education. And Robin Roberts, if you’re reading this, my — I mean Gabby’s calendar is wide open.