Minute to Win It New Year’s Par-tay

January 2, 2011

When I told a certain someone (that’s right I’m calling you out Aunt Ramey) that Rob and I would be staying in this New Year’s Eve since we didn’t have a babysitter (we didn’t even ask anyone by the way) she responded “that’s why I’m never having children…they ruin everything.” And while I’m sure she was kidding (at least I hope so) it got me to thinking that some people probably do think parents of young children are missing out by not going out. Trust me, we’re not. I thoroughly enjoyed not having to navigate the less than ideal roads and arrange for a sober Sally to drive me home. Don’t get me wrong. I like to have a good time as much as the next gal, but trust me when I say I’ve had plenty of good times on New Year’s Eve.

There was the New Year’s Eve with the Nadas at Horseshoe to ring in 07…

If you need more information, ask someone who remembers this night.

Then there was New Year’s Eve of 08 with Luke, Summer and the Pat O Show

Yes, I like my Miller Lite.

And we can’t forget the 09’er flippy cup/Guitar Hero extravaganza at the Hartz household in CR.

I believe I was shakin’ my groove thing to Single Ladies right here.

Last year I was pregnant and ate fondue in my sweatpants. You can understand why there are no pictures. But back to the present or twenty-eleven as all the cool kids are calling it. Here is how New Year’s Eve went down in the Lindquist household.

The spread minus the meatballs and  mini chicken tacos from Trader Joe’s
Faith on our new rug waiting for her boyfriend to arrive
Our security dog asleep on the job
He’s heeere! Hi Liam, how are you? Good good. Hand check!      
The M&M “minute to win it” contest…let’s just say Jeremy really “sucks” at this.

Husband and wife face off.
The tissue “minute to win it” …don’t worry, all those tissues aren’t going to waste but to Rob’s classroom.
Rob blows at this game….I crack myself up.
Brynn was bound and determined…
to do this…I’m really resisting the urge to make a joke about balls here.
Happy New Year!
The guy I kissed at midnight
Faith Lindquist celebrates 2011 the next morning.
Another happy baby picture sans Rob’s distracting white upper thigh.

 You went back and looked didn’t you. It’s OK, he’s all mine ladies. Happy New Year! Here’s to proof New Year’s Eve in with a babe doesn’t have to suck or blow 🙂