Luck of the Irish

March 19, 2011

Things I don’t recommend doing at the same time:

being a mom of a teething, mobile 8-month-old
taking a challenging grad school class that requires a mini thesis
working full-time
training for a Dam race (it never gets old)


trying to be a nice person
giving up swearing for Lent (since my resolution didn’t go so well, I’ve renewed my efforts. For those of you keeping track, at $1 per cuss, I already owe the church 30 bones).
promising to blog on a regular basis
maintaining a clean house

Seriously, it’s bad. Thanks to Rob, at least there aren’t dirty dishes in the sink, but the laundry situation is double O-C (out of control for all you peeps not in the loop) but I’m sure you could gather that yourself from this photo:

just keepin’ it real yo

I told the clothes to “say laundromat” when I took this but they didn’t even force a smirk.

Despite all my stress, I still feel

because at the end of the day, even if my homework isn’t done, my house is a mess and I inevitably owe St. Pat’s 50% percent of my paycheck, I still got this good looking familia…

and let’s not forget Howard O’ruff McDog…

in case you can’t tell, his hat says “I’m a wee bit Irish”

Erin Go Bragh!