Like Father, Like Daughter

July 13, 2010

My baby is a daddy’s girl. I know this because she looks exactly like him when she sleeps and when she wakes up, the resemblance is even more noticeable. They both stretch their arms out the same way and make an eerily similar grunting noise as they try to awake from their slumber. Also, she is a sound sleeper just like her daddy. We still have to wake her for almost every feeding. She’d rather sleep than eat, which makes me wonder if they didn’t send the wrong baby home with us as her mother never misses a meal. If she didn’t have my eyes I might wonder 😉 While I of course want her to be my mini me, I am really happy that she is a spitting image of her dad. What a dad he is! Rob doesn’t shy away from a dirty (see explosive) diaper, he prepares my pumping materials, cooks breakfast, feeds her a bottle circa 2:30 a.m., talks baby talk to Faith, sings to her, washes her hair during baths and just marvels at her in general. I couldn’t ask for more in a baby daddy and neither could Faith.

Here’s a pic of my two favorite people:

and if that didn’t make you smile (something’s seriously wrong w/ you)….than this will.
a very distinguished looking howard t. dog!