It’s Blog Swap Day!

August 17, 2011

(Note from Nicole: if you’re confused as to why you’re reading someone else’s words on this blog, check out yesterday’s post).

Hi there, Life as Lindquist readers! I’m Dana from over at the abundant life blog. I am so excited to be guest posting over here for a day.

When I received my ‘Blog Swap” assignment from 20SB, I quickly made my way over here to the Lindquist’s blog. I immediately fell in love with their sweet daughter’s face and their adorable puppy’s antics. I mean, who doesn’t love a cute baby/puppy picture? All the cool bloggers have cute babies and puppies. It’s a requirement. I think it’s written in the blogger’s by-laws or something. The quick wit and fun stories in their posts also didn’t hurt their blog curb-side appeal. Long story short…I am super pumped to be here. Lets get started.
So as I said before, I’m Dana and I write a little blog called the abundant life.
This is me!
 So lets get to know each other, shall we?
I’m just your typical 25 year old. I’m a graduate student that’s addicted to caffeine and reads too many books. I’m independent to a fault and sarcasm is my primary language. I’m engaged to the sweetest boy, whom I lovingly refer to as Ben the Betrothed (BTB). He’s a musician. Yes ladies, he plays the guitar. Swooning is appropriate. 🙂
Oh yeah, I also have a chronic illness. As much as I try for my chronic illness not to define me, it has simply changed every part of me. Chronic illness is a lifestyle. I have spent the majority of my life in doctor’s offices and hospitals. As a child, my best friends were my beloved nurses and my heroes were doctors. (Find more of my story here)
Now, don’t you go feeling sorry for me. I am chronically ill but I still live life. I love this chronically crazy life of mine. I live an abundant life and I am abundantly blessed. I am a firm believer that a silver lining can be found in every situation.
The topic of choice for this lovely ‘Blog Swap’ is our summer experiences. I didn’t do all that much but I will give you a quick run-down.
In April of this year I made the biggest, toughest decision of my entire life. No, not the decision to get engaged to BTB. That was a no-brainer in my book.

I had a transplant surgery. Bam. Bet you didn’t see that one coming.
I won’t bore you with all of the details here but this summer has consisted of fighting for my life and recovering from one of the most difficult surgeries to recover from. So that’s my summer. In a nutshell.
This summer has taught me that miracles still do happen and that life is a gift. I am grateful for each hurdle I surpass. Each milestone I reach in recovery is a cause for celebration in my house.
So that’s all folks. I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me a little bit. I am so grateful to have met Nicole in this process. You see one of my dreams in life is to have a beautiful family, much like the Lindquists have. A family that loves and supports each other. They inspire me to keep fighting and working towards my own dreams.
If you want to know more about my story or become a part of the abundant life journey, come follow me at You can also find me on twitter (@yayitsdayday) or email me at