It’s been a while for me…

December 1, 2012

So as it turns out, I (Rob) haven’t written on here in a while. And looking at the blog – it doesn’t look like Nic has kept up maybe as much as she would have liked to. So here’s what you’ve missed since I’ve last posted (9/19/12 – The Birthday Post):

The President was re-elected

Faith is fully potty trained (knock on wood)

ISU Football became Bowl Eligible

I got to dance with Bruce Springsteen (well, touch him; creepy)… Amazing concert.

That happened… 

And I created a 1-minute movie trailer:

                                                                        Cute, huh?

It’s very artsy-fartsy and hoity-toity. It’s an indy film, so I don’t expect everyone to get it, but I do want the feelings to be expressed throughout the magnificant artistry and benevolence that come with… That’s what directors sound like right?

If you didn’t watch the video yet (or follow us on Facebook, or Twitter, or in real life): SPOILER ALERT! Baby numero deuce-o is on the way. Expected arrival – end of the school year (Late May/Early June 2013).

And it’s funny because Nic and I have had this grand master plan for a while now, and things are still working for us. But planning for #2 and knowing #2 is on the way feels different. Everything has been different for Nic. Faith seems to think she’s getting another baby Susie (doll).

So that means we’ve been looking for our old baby stuff. Found out, Nic has “lost” all of her maternity clothes. We get to buy new I guess. We were walking through Target and a teacher-friend of mine happened to be purchasing a baby shower gift, and was getting Baby Crack (something remembered from our post), which made me look for ours (check).

It’s Baaack: the Baby Einstein Baby Take-Along Tunes Infant Toy

Anyway – we’re happy. Nic is doing well. I have already gained the required empathy weight. Faith seems to get it… I think. And now that Howie is completely comfortable with Faith, we’re going to throw this at him. Good luck, buddy.

I can’t go into much more detail because Nic is going to be sending out the Christmas letter soon. It’d help if she had started writing it I think though. Have a Merry Christmas.
