I’m baaaack!

March 4, 2020

After quite possibly the longest hiatus of a blog ever recorded, I’m back.

Who cares?

My mom. And my dad. And I think at least one person from a state that isn’t Iowa or Nebraska, but please don’t double check me on that. Honestly, as much as I would love to be macon dat bacon based on the thousands of people who come to read my writing and chuckle at my parenting trials that hopefully aren’t too DHS-inducing, the truth is these stories are for my kids to read someday. And they always will be.

What are you going to write about?

Gah! I have so many ideas, starting with my son’s 874-step bedtime routine, the sci-fi inspired way I taught my middle daughter how to ride a bike and how NOT to teach your firstborn about puberty, for starters. Oh, I’m sure the story of how I thought I might die from liver failure the day after my 12-year wedding anniversary will work its way in there. I’ll do my best to make that last one funny! Take that liver disease.

OK, why did you name it Making Up Motherhood?

Growing up, I noticed that a good friend of mine never used the phrase: “I don’t know.” She simply made her best guess or gave a hypothesis for the answer. I’ve found that strategy to be very effective in my career as a writer as well as a mom. I once thought I could read all the parenting books and know just what to do, but then your baby doesn’t latch, your 2 year old has a meltdown because you cut his waffle in half and your supposedly talented and gifted child sticks a bead up her nose. So what do you do when this happens? You do like my friend did and make it up. 

Suuuure. So when can we expect a real post?

Not sure why my split personality has such a tone with these questions, but I digress. Just like Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act II, I’m trying to get “back in the habit.” Habits are hard but I hope to write at least once a week. You can also check out the “About Me” section, where I cheated on writing a bio and used our most recent Christmas letter. 

I’d date me.

How can I help?

Most likely by giving me a piece of your liver, but until that time comes, just knowing that you’ve read and enjoyed something I’ve written brings a smile to my round face. And if you’re really nice, comments are cool, too.