How To Get To Sesame Street …Without Spending a Fortune

January 22, 2012

When I told my mother I was contemplating taking Faith to Sesame Street Live, she laughed a knowing laugh. When I asked her what that was all about, she just said, “You’ll see.”

I have very fond memories of SS Live, so I had no idea what she was talking about. After some further questioning (I am a former reporter mind you) she told me that all the kids really want is the cotton candy and Sesame Street swag once they get there. I quickly informed her that though her granddaughter is very smart, she can’t quite string a sentence together to make demands like that so maybe taking her at age 1.5 is for the best. Turns out I’m right. Point moi. (I think this makes it like Mom: 7,422; Nicole: 4. We are now thinking about moving to Sesame Street. Here’s how I made it affordable.

1) My sister-in-law, Nicki, got discounted tickets through her work. It was only $2 off a $19 ticket, but that’s four dollars we could be spending at the casino…kidding…in Faith’s piggy bank. Total for tickets: $34. And they were the best seats in the house in my opinion. See for yourself.

Just off the floor, up a couple risers, with room to put our kitchen sink.Thanks, Nicki!
It was difficult for my 22 pound baby to hold this sucker down.
Awesome photo taken by my life-saver, Nicki Davis 🙂

2) I didn’t pay to park. Was it fun lugging Faith 1/3 of a mile? Not really. Were my arms burning by the time we got there? Yes really. But I’m cheap and it was a good workout. Sorry there’s no picture. My hands were full.

3) I brought snacks and water. Unlike most events that put your purse through the ringer before you enter, Sesame Street security is quite generous. Faith had plenty of Goldfish, puffs and a banana to munch on, so we didn’t end up spending a dime at the concession stand.

I’m sorry, but she’s so freaking cute it’s scary sometimes.

4) I brought no cash. This wasn’t planned, I just never have any on me. I hope all the potential pick pockets who read this blog will leave me alone now. In all seriousness, it stopped my cotton candy impulse and most definitely stopped me from buying a $10 balloon. Let me repeat: a $10 BALLOON!

5) Nicki, aka Cameryn’s mom, brought Cam’s Elmo doll. I thought about bringing Faith’s, but figured we might lose it. Thankfully, Elmo and Cookie tagged along with Cam and she was willing to share. That’s what cousins, and sisters-in-law, are for. This saved me from having to buy an overpriced stuff animal/light up toy. Man, I’m starting to sound like a mean mom.

Grand total spent: $34, plus lunch afterwards, which was well-deserved.
The Sesame Street look on Faith’s face when the characters came out and she said “BiBaCuukieAbbyOscurELMO,” : Beyond priceless!

Cousin time with Cam: even better.

Future BFFs.