Happy Father’s Day!

June 17, 2011

On this Father’s Day I am a lucky guy. See, I’m typing this early because I don’t know how much time I’ll actually be home on Father’s Day (Sunday).  I know, but I’m not an ass. In fact, I think of this (and I hope Nicole does too) as a little Father’s Day present. ISU Guys Golf Weekend is this weekend; kind of like the US Open, except one group has talent. The plan is to get home early afternoon, to quickly turn around and go to a College World Series game with Nicole’s dad, John (thanks Jocelyn for the tickets!).

Now, first and foremost, I am a truly lucky man. If you know me at all, you know that I feel this every day. With everything I’ve been able to do and accomplish, nothing is as important and meaningful to me as starting my family with Nicole. We have had Father’s Day celebrations in the past (yes, Howie got me a card), but this one is THE ONE. I have my own beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous little girl. *If you didn’t know this, shame on you – I only talk about her every moment I get.

It’s been almost a year (literally) that she came into this world, and my life has changed awesomely. I am a summer stay-at-home Dad. It’s probably the most demanding job I’ve ever held, and I love it. And because of this, Faith has become a Daddy’s Girl (which I also love). We have learned a lot in just the couple of weeks I’ve been home with her… in fact she can take two steps now before lunging for my arms. *Because I’m doing this on the Mac I have at home, I have no photos or videos. I know… bad blogger.

We have a routine, we have patterns, and we know when it’s time to just let her be (in the playpen, with my eyes on her of course). Becoming a father is an amazing thing. So to all of the fresh-out-of-the-box dads, and the fathers that have been at it a while, this Bud’s for you… wait, wrong blog.

Happy Father’s Day!
