Garage Sale Sequel

May 9, 2011

The annual Lindquist garage sale “deets” (I hear that’s what the cool people are calling details these days) are as follows.

Number of items sold: About 130 transactions….or about 5ish tables, some lawn space and a free box worth of junk.
Hours of operation: 6:45 a.m. to about 3 ish. Items went half price at 2 p.m. What can I say, I like to reward latecomers.
Cash Collected: Approximately $400, $25 of which was spent on lunch (apparently you have to feed your workers…) and $75 of which was Mandy’s San Diego money from selling her all her stuffed animals and slippers (more on that later).

Just like last year, I thought I’d share some some Garage Sale Success stories of our day.

*Our first customer asking if we had change for $100. Good thing my dad did.

* Someone purchased Mandy’s fuzzy, pink monster slippers and a conversation between myself and my lovely Aunt Kris followed.
Me: Those were cute.
Kris: Yeah I know. She never really got much use out of them though.
Me: (dying laughing) I wonder why.

* Quote of the day: “$8 for the buck. $6 for the doe.” – John McNamara

*Surprisingly no one could put a dollar amount on this one:

Sticker Says, “Make Offer”

*Another one of Mandy’s toys and Kris’s crazy comments, this one about a piano keyboard.
“Yes, it works. And it’s really fun!” (Maybe you had to be there).

* My dad realized this classic VHS of his was for sale for 10 cents and immediately pulled it from the shelf. Apparently, he was offended.10,000 bonus points for anyone who’s actually suffered through seen it.

* A lady bought one of my mom’s cow planters (yes, black and white, cow-shaped planters do exist for all those wondering) and told my mom as she handed over the money how excited she was to give it to a friend who was visiting from out of town and that she hoped she’d be able to get it on the airplane. The lady left and my mom turned to me and goes “I’d be pissed if I was getting on a plane and had to haul that with me.” And my mom loves cows.

* Customer: Who’s this baseball signed by?
My dad: (apologetically) Dennis Rasmussen.

*My dad wouldn’t stop making fun of this sign which is a former garage sale purchase of my mom’s. It finally sold in the 11 hour (so there, Dad). We hope it went to a good home and goes on to an even better garage sale in a couple years.

Happy Everyhing people!