Gabby’s Nursery

October 26, 2013

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve lived in our new house for six months and Gabby’s been around for five of them. It’s about time we shared pictures of her nursery.

It started as a blank slate. The former owner had a love for beige. My mama, painter extraordinaire, quickly fixed that problem with some Gem Turquoise before Gabby’s arrival. I LOVE the color. 1) It’s not pink (no offense, Faith) and 2) It makes all of her raspberry accents pop. This includes the letters above her crib. These letters probably deserve a post of their own as no less than four people contributed to their completion. Me, Rob, my bf Ericka and the painter extraordinaire herself. If I recall, we started winding yarn around these letters just a few days after Gabby came home. And if I remember correctly, Rob said something to the effect of “They should make people in prison do this.” Ericka agreed and threw in the glue not long after she started. This was a task that only one woman could handle and it sure wasn’t me. Mom saved the day again by undoing everyone’s work and redoing them all herself. When I mentioned that I thought maybe we should do Gabby in all raspberry and then add Grace in the orange below, it was not well-received, so alternating colors it is. I purchased the photo hanger below at Target. I was going to do framed newborn pics, but when I saw that they were owls on a wire, I just had to pull out my Redcard. Hootie hoo!

Next I ordered the decal you see below from Uppercase Living. Since it’s hard (for an amateur photographer at least) to photograph this side of the room, I will just tell you that it’s raspberry and orange (I custom ordered it) and says “Owl Love You Forever.” The blackout curtains also came from Tarjay as the French pronounce it. Last but not least, the Scentsy in her room is the smell of “newborn nursery.” Because nobody wants the smell of “poppy pants.”

Now for my favorite view of the room. Gabby’s dresser, which used to be Miss Faith’s. This was definitely worth the investment. Not only does it hold books, but makes for a functional decorating space as well. We have a custom birth announcement in the frame on the top left, a Faith Lindquist original in the top middle and a framed prayer that my mommy used to recite to me when I was a little girl on the top right. On the middle shelf is the handmade plate with Gabby’s birth info along with a cute naked photo of her in the middle. Tins and a little owl cage from Hobby Lobby fill out the shelf. If you’re wondering what all those yellow things are on the bottom left, it’s every single sheet my daycare has ever given me, including Faith’s when she was in the infant room. Some day I’m going to figure out something cool to do with them. Let me know if you have any ideas!

I’m able to post this because my wonderful husband just hung up the shelf you see here and we’re calling her room good for now. These are all gifts Gabby got for her baptism. Rob also hung the ceiling fan in here, which I think my daughter was more grateful for than me giving birth to her. Kids these days.

I’m so over the cheap-o lamp below and would like to get a little nightstand to put a lamp and books on, but for now, we still don’t have a bedtime routine that includes this chair. I look forward to the day that we do as Faith and I shared a lot of stories rocking in this guy. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the calendar right inside the door from my auntie Donna. It’s one where you can add stickers for all of baby’s firsts. We hope to add sitting up to the calendar very soon.

And we can’t show you the nursery without showing you the reason behind it all. I give you: Gabby Grace, the cutest thing in the room.