Faithy’s Big Girl Room

July 3, 2013

At last, some updated pictures of our new house, specifically Faith’s big girl room! I was hoping to show before and after photos, but Faith hid the memory card to our camera, so this is the only one I have:

When we discover her newfound hiding spot, not only will we find all the before pictures of the house, but our beloved baby crack toy that’s missing and the magnetic letter I in Howie that used to be on a framed photo of our dog.

Since I can’t show you all the before photos of Faith’s room, I’ll just tell you that it was beige and boring. Well, that certainly cannot be said for the room anymore. It’s as pink as pink can be thanks to my amazing, awesome mom/Faith’s Grammy Janny, who spent two days painting her room to look like bubblegum, one of which was Mother’s Day. Seriously, don’t anyone try to hire her out! She’s mine, and Rob and I pay her in grandchildren. Gabby bought us at least a few more rooms, but it’s a good thing we like the color in the living room ๐Ÿ™‚ Mom, if you’re reading this, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for painting pretty much our entire house. It all turned out beautifully, which everyone will see as we share photos of the rest of the house.

Without further ado, Faith Janna’s bedroom:

In the entrance to the cupcake themed bedroom hangs -what else- a cupcake calendar. This is also the only picture where you can see Rob’s electrician work in the top left of the photo. He let Faith pick out the ceiling fan for her room and she went with a pink, flowery one. I personally thought this was a little over the top, but the room was probably that way without the fan so oh well.

My apologies for the horrible lighting on this photo but this is the bay window in her room, above which my mom (did I mention how amazing and awesome she is?) hung four 8X10 photos of Faith at 1 month, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year. Below is her hot pink rocking chair and dress up box. Since you can’t see it in this photo, you’ll just have to come over for a playdate sometime. 
This is my favorite view/angle of Faith’s room. Rob actually picked out her new bed. It’s from Nebraska Furniture Mart. A daybed was a perfect fit for this room and the fact that it had storage/drawers/a secret compartment (note to self: check compartment for memory card) made it a win win. Her bed certainly doesn’t look like this on a daily basis, which is why it took me so long to get photos up. I had searched high and low for cupcake bedding and found absolutely none. (I dare you to find some!) Anyway, with everything else going on in this room, I figured having a pretty plain comforter/quilt would be OK. Throw in a couple pillows and I love how it turned out. However, the best part about her room is the frame wall above the bed. I laid out how I wanted it and Rob executed (similar to how a lot of things in this house happen). 
A few highlights: the frame on the top left is of the prayer my mom used to recite to me when I was a little girl. She typed it up and gave it to me for my baby shower and it’s been a mainstay in Faith’s room ever since. The clock on the wall is frozen at the time Faith was born: 11:15 p.m. (saves us from having to change the battery too) ๐Ÿ™‚ The F is from the letters my good friend Summer made when Faith was born. We just took off the animal, spray-painted the letter purple and added a spray-painted star.
The item on the bottom left was also spray painted pink. It was a gift for Faith’s baptism and it says “Jesus Loves Me.” The cupcake, donut  and “J” artwork are Faith Janna originals and the bigger framed photos are Hobby Lobby originals. ๐Ÿ™‚ The baby picture is from her Aunt Rachel back in the day and the framed text is from the “How to Love A Child” poem, which I love. I just used a variation of purple markers to write it on a piece of pink cardboard paper. 
And I think that’s all for the wall.
This is a close up view of Faith’s rug, given to her by –who else– Grammy Janny for her birthday last year. I know you can make these out of old t-shirts, but my mom did one better and purchased it from Angel Guardians, Inc. a company out of Omaha that provides job opportunities for individuals with disabilities, a population very close to my heart. We can’t wait to get one for Gabby’s room next.
This little nook is right inside of the room, and features a little desk from my elementary school and the chair and tea set she got from her other grandma. The wall needs a little something so I think we might string the rest of Faith’s artwork from daycare along this wall with clothespins when we –oh who am I kidding — my mom, figure out how to do it.
This is the wall opposite Faith’s bed. The photo was taken by my sister about a week after Faith was born. The dresser is a companion piece to the bedroom set and I forgot to mention before, though it looks like the wood is painted purple (both in the photo and in person) it’s actually just a piece of plastic. You can swap out purple for a rainbow of different colors behind it so if my little princess ever likes any other colors, it’s an easy fix!
Zooming in on the top of the dresser, we have my advice card book from Faith’s baby shower, a cupcake Scentsy (I am OBSESSED!) a clock/frame that features a picture of Faith eating a cupcake (gotta keep the theme going) and last but not least, another favorite item of mine, a cupcake lamp, given to us by my sister as a housewarming present on the day we moved in. 
Hopefully you noticed a trend, and I’m not talking about cupcakes, but instead, our awesome family members who have helped make Faith’s room the perfect oasis for her. It may be pink overload, but that is just the way she likes it and loves to show it off. For her, it’s home.