Diabetes Free!

March 17, 2010

I just finished listening to a voicemail from my dr., who after telling me yesterday that no news is good news regarding the glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes, called and left a message. before I could freak out, she explained in the voicemail that my test came back normal, but she was just calling to reassure me because “I know how you are” she said. point dr. carlson. anyway, the drink didn’t end up being as bad as i thought though it did taste like straight sugar. i had our resident photographer in public relations, andrew e. nelson, chronicle me taking it. enjoy!

the liquid is probably something that little kids drink every day with a different label…reminds me of “bug juice” here goes nothing…

for some reason, you don’t drink the whole thing. you pour it out to a certain level and then throw the rest away. i tried to get mr. lindquist to try the remainder, but he shot me down. payback for all the times i did it to him i suppose ๐Ÿ˜‰

at first it wasn’t so bad…

and then she got nasty…

but I persevered…

I win! Go me…diabetes free ๐Ÿ™‚