
Choose Your Own Adventure

November 3, 2015

I blame Pinterest. It was there where I got the idea to turn nearly two pounds of perfectly good chicken…

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The 9th Percentile

September 14, 2015

Before I became a parent, the word “percentile” was not in my vocabulary. Percenta-what? I would have said. But it…

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The Big K

August 30, 2015

Here we are. The day before Kindergarten. Holy freaking crap, Kindergarten. My 7 pound, 1 ounce baby is going to…

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How Not to Take Away Your Baby’s Binky

July 29, 2015

If you Google how to take away the binky, i.e. how to steal the one comfort item your child has…

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Why I Don’t Deserve Diamonds

July 21, 2015

When I lost the diamond out of my wedding ring, maybe you remember how my dog saved my marriage, maybe you…

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July 17, 2015

To my dearest Faith, You are officially five-years-old now. Your birthday party and birthday trip to Adventureland have come and…

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