
Love at First Sight

April 30, 2012

Hey everyone,Not sure how I am physically able to type right now. As I watched the video below, I let…

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The Ouch Report

April 24, 2012

I remember the first time I received an “ouch report” from daycare. Faith was on the receiving end of a…

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Guest Post: What Not to Wear

April 16, 2012

In case you missed it, my guest post on Sota is Sexy went up Saturday! I’m very grateful to Katrina…

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If it weren’t for Dads

April 13, 2012

Before Faith, Rob couldn’t hold a small child without breaking into a sweat. He would lean way back as if…

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Guest Blogging: Sota’ is Sexy

April 6, 2012

Hey y’all. Short post ahead. Just wanted to let you know I’ll be guest blogging for one of my new…

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Let’s Dance

April 4, 2012

No, don’t call 9-1-1. Despite what may look like someone having a seizure in the videos below, we are just…

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