
Faith Funnies

November 15, 2013

Me: “Looks like this recipe calls for one egg.”Faith: “How bout three cause I’m three?” Faith: (randomly while we were…

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Movember: and why my wife hates my facial hair

November 11, 2013

It’s No Shave November. Movember. And this is the first time in my 30 years that I have participated. In…

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Gabby’s Nursery

October 26, 2013

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve lived in our new house for six months and Gabby’s been around for five…

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Lindquist Chili

October 19, 2013

Hi all. Rob here. I haven’t posted on here in a while (you’re welcome). But there is no time like…

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Call Me, Maybe?

October 6, 2013

Dear friends and family,I won’t blame you if you never want to call me again. For anyone who’s talked to…

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The amazing, incredible person that is……mom

September 28, 2013

Did you know the energizer bunny’s name is actually Jan? Well, now you do. My mom. She’s way overdue for…

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