Big Girl Panties

May 10, 2012

I wish this post were about Faith and potty training, but alas, it is about her mother and her need to quit being such a Sally (poor Sally, not sure how she got such a bad rap) and Take Away The Pacifier.

We were inching toward this goal, hit a bump in the road with Pneumonia and then began driving in reverse full-speed. Faith can now demand the binky and does so quite frequently. Out of the bath, during diaper changes and just any other time she damn well pleases. Yesterday, she found one lying around the house and stuck it in her mouth for .3 seconds before I took it away since it wasn’t nap or bedtime. I thought my taking it away would result in what resembles a dance party on the floor, but with crying, however, instead she just moved right along. Like a junkie who just took a hit that could tie her over until the withdrawals kicked in again.

It’s time.
I can do this.
Waking up 3 times a night to put the pacifier back in her mouth is ridiculous.
I can do this.
Can I do this?

Reasons to take it away:
I hate that she tries to talk with it in her mouth.
We never upgraded to the +18 months ones, and Rob won’t let me buy any more, so technically, they’re too small for her mouth
It has to happen sometime.
She is getting MORE dependent on it, not LESS.
Cleaning them, when Howie is constantly coming out with one from under the crib, is getting old.
Packing them to go somewhere — also getting old.
I’m tired of binky pics.

And just for good measure…

Reasons to keep it forever:
They comfort her.
Naptime and bedtime in our household are a breeze. (Please don’t hate me).
I don’t like to hear my daughter cry.
She falls back to sleep in .2 seconds after we plug one of em in circa 3 a.m. So do I.
I’m not into sleep deprivation.
She doesn’t have any speech problems — girl’s a talker.
I never like Big Girl Panties anyway.

Help! I’m at a crossroads between “She’s only a kid for a short time – let her keep it” and “Dear Lord, Woman — this binky business in nonsensical.”

Can someone tell me which way to turn?