Baby Girl Thoughts

February 11, 2010

Yes, it’s been almost a week since we found out boy or girl. And yes, we have both shared our feelings about it (we are both very excited by the way). But Monday night I had the real realizations and questions. Like: What will she look like? How will I afford the early years? How will I afford college, marriage, prom? What about school? How will I worry about friends (both boys and girls)? Will she be a brat? Will I care about that? Am I going to be a dad she can trust, listen to, talk to? Will she have me wrapped around her finger? to a fault? I grew up around women and I know about stuff that happens, but how will I handle it? Is it appropriate for me to push the Cubs and Cyclones on her? Is it fair for her? Am I already choosing the music she listens to subconsciously?

Is too much pink really a bad thing? I know I shouldn’t be worried about half of this right now, but it’s hard not too. My lovely and wonderful wife will attest that I am somewhat anal when it comes to some stuff – and it turns out my new daughter is one. (Is she going to like me for that?)
