“Baby Class”

March 14, 2010

Um, nobody told me this was going to happen. I mean, I get it. But wow. And there were parts that were an animation too! Actually, there was a lot shown – with no warning. Graphic stuff. Real stuff. In fact, the “teachers” (a term I use loosely with the two ladies in charge) left the room during each of the videos we watched. But I learned a lot: like when not to pass out, and how to avoid watching certain facets of the whole birth.

Really though? Overall, it was good information, and I suppose a good refresher for those couples who were less than two weeks away from birthing. But they made about 3 hours of information last 7 hours… yikes. We do have certificates though. I’m not sure why – it doesn’t say we did anything, accomplished anything, or won anything. It is just a certificate with our names. Yeah, now I can go pay for my new ____ with it… maybe not.

Kidding aside, “Baby Class” taught me how to swaddle, bathe, hold, transfer, clean, re-diaper, clothe, and burp my yet unborn girl. We also learned breathing and relaxation techniques(both of us, because I’m support).

I’m glad it’s done because I feel we will have a lot going on in the next few months, but I hope I can remember when to HEE and when to WHO. Nicole is depending on me. Baby L is depending on me. Those animations aren’t depending on me, but I have a feeling they will never be forgotten. This was baby class.
