April 2014

Ouch! the Sequel

April 29, 2014

Some of you may remember the video we took of Faith laughing at her dad saying “ouch” when she was…

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What Happens When You Give Up Target For Lent

April 22, 2014

Target is my happy place. So when I failed to give up any of my favorite foods, Facebook or fun…

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Bloggy Boot Camp Part II: Blogs to Follow

April 19, 2014

I’m back with a bunch of new blogs for you to follow in addition to my tribe members’ blogs. I…

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Meet My New Tribe: Bloggy Boot Camp Part 1

April 8, 2014

So I attended my very first blog conference over the weekend in St. Louis. I won’t bore you all with…

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Raising a Threenager

April 3, 2014

I heard the expression “threenager” the other day for a 3-year-old going on 13 and have to say it’s my…

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There’s no place like HOME

April 1, 2014

Allow me to introduce you to our new roommates. Also known as my mom and stepdad. They recently sold their…

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