June 2013

Things a Big Sister Says

June 27, 2013

(upon her cousin arriving at the hospital to visit our newest family member, Faith made the introductions)“This is Gabby… and…

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She’s 3

June 25, 2013

Is there a better age than 3? From a parent’s perspective, I don’t think so. Every morning when she wakes…

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Gabby’s birth story: Part III

June 18, 2013

Have you ever been told that it would only be 15 minutes before your table was ready and it turns…

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23 things about Gabby Grace

June 12, 2013

We interrupt your regularly scheduled birth story to bring you 23 things you need to know about Gabrielle “Gabby” Grace…

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Gabby’s Birth Story Part II

June 5, 2013

When we last left off, we were on our way to the hospital. This drive was eerily familiar from the…

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