August 2011

Cribs: Lindquist style

August 30, 2011

You know how you don’t notice how annoying your own voice is until you record it on video. Yeah, this…

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Three More Words

August 24, 2011

SHE. MADE. IT. By now you may have heard through the Facebookvine that Misses Faithy Lindquist appeared on a little…

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It’s Blog Swap Day!

August 17, 2011

(Note from Nicole: if you’re confused as to why you’re reading someone else’s words on this blog, check out yesterday’s…

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My First Blog Swap

August 17, 2011

One week ago, I sat in front of my computer reading about the opportunity to swap blogs with someone for…

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Faithless for 36 hours

August 13, 2011

Image from here. Mom guilt. It’s something the X chromosome has dealt with since mother Mary and sweet baby J….

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August 8, 2011

First, a few updates: Unfortunately, Faith didn’t make the “Your Three Words” this morning (maybe next weekend). This Thursday is…

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