July 2011

Three Little Words

July 29, 2011

No, not those three little words. These three: Yes, it’s officially official. Faith has progressed from the tadpole dance scoot…

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Go Cubs Go…Our Chicago Vacation!

July 22, 2011

Not bad for the Lindquists. I was prepared for our Chicago vacation to feel more like a work-related business trip…

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The Birthday Party…A Picturiffic Post

July 16, 2011

Faith’s 1st birthday party was chaos, fun, standing room only, colorful, Mexicana, messy, goodness.  I let the pictures do the…

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Blog Changed…

July 9, 2011

Yes, it’s a little simpler, but so am I. A few tweeks, and a background change. Not bad. I know…

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Blog under construction

July 5, 2011

In case you couldn’t tell, I’m redesigning the blog (again)… So it will look crappy if you happen to refresh…

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Halfway Home…oh $#%! my resolutions!

July 2, 2011

It’s been six months since I proclaimed my New Year’s resolutions to the 16 people who follow this blog and…

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