May 2011

Let the summer begin…

May 30, 2011

Nicole says I don’t post enough… I say I don’t have a lot of time. But, with the summer now…

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Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s off to the nuthouse I go!

May 29, 2011

No, not because of this..But because of this: Sure, it looks like an innocent enough toy. At least it did…

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1 month from today!

May 25, 2011

Don’t know who is more excited for Faith’s bright colored, polka dot themed par-tay in a month…me or Howie…

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Days go by…

May 18, 2011

There are many perks to being a teacher: teaching the youth how to better themselves, snow days, seeing a student…

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A Baby’s Best Friend

May 16, 2011

We blogged about how Howie would handle it when Faith arrived and how he actually handled it when she came…

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Garage Sale Sequel

May 9, 2011

The annual Lindquist garage sale “deets” (I hear that’s what the cool people are calling details these days) are as…

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To Moms Everywhere

May 8, 2011

I’ve wanted to write this post for awhile now and mother’s day seems like just the right time. Anyone else…

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