November 2010

Christmas decorations

November 27, 2010

I’ve always liked the holiday season. From elementary school, through high school, college, and now back to high school, the…

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Damn You Carrie Underwood

November 23, 2010

Girl always makes me cry. This time it was her latest song I heard on the way to work after…

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Ode to Day care

November 19, 2010

*Disclaimer:The following poem was written by a psycho, first-time, overbearing, insert-your-own-adjectives-for-crazy- here, mother. It’s not that I hate all day…

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A day in the life of Faith Lindquist

November 15, 2010

Mr. Lindquist left for a Journalism conference in Kansas City at 5 a.m. on Friday which left me with Faith…

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The Interception

November 8, 2010

Two weeks ago today I wrote about the highs of life with Faith. The very next day, I experienced a…

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They’re Creepy and they’re Kooky…

November 4, 2010

The Lindquist Family! Someone asked us last Halloween what happens when the “Lindquist Legos” connect… Take a guess. Please circle…

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