September 2010

Working on the voice box …

September 28, 2010

So lately I haven’t been able to blog a whole lot. Life has been busy with a new baby and…

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Pumpkin Patch pics!

September 28, 2010

God this girl is gorgeous!

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Happy three-month birthday Faith!

September 25, 2010

To Faith, Happy 3-month birthday baby girl! For the special occasion, Auntie Rachel and you have a photoshoot date at…

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The Birthday Girl’s Wish Comes True

September 20, 2010

One year ago, I wished for a family on my birthday. Not that Rob, Howie and I weren’t a family,…

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Video of what I miss when I’m at work…

September 14, 2010

Starring Faith Lindquist

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“The days are long, but the years go by quickly”

September 7, 2010

After being blessed to be home with my beautiful daughter for almost 11 weeks, the above quote and title of…

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