May 2010

The Eagle has landed – a look into nesting at 37 weeks.

May 31, 2010

Even my daddy’s guide to parenting website says that men can nest. It’s when the parent wants to make sure…

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Week 36 Update and Ramblings

May 23, 2010

Well, the nursery is finally done. I think. Nicole and I have done a lot today to kind of finish…

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Fat and Happy

May 21, 2010

Hello there Karma, glad to meet you.So I may have bragged a few weeks ago that I was stretch-mark free….

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How bout Howie?

May 12, 2010

If you know our dog at all, you know he is an attention whore (who can’t read, so won’t be…

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Baby L’s name is…

May 4, 2010

at the end of this post. Well, I do have some news. I’m finally done planting my garden. A special…

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Mom hair!

May 1, 2010

Against the advice of pretty much every pregnancy book that advises moms-to-be not to cut their hair before baby comes,…

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