April 2010

Garage Sale Success…and then there was Borat

April 26, 2010

The inaugural Lindquist garage sale was a S-U-C-C-E-S-S, that’s the way we spell Success! (just for you mom) We made…

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maternity photos – life as a lindquist

April 11, 2010

thanks to genetics, my belly is still stretch mark free…thanks mom! even still, i never really considered maternity pics until…

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Everybody was Kung-Fu Fighting!

April 5, 2010

Wow, I am cheesy-lame guy. Admit it, you knew I was Captain Corny, but that’s just a new level. Anyway,…

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my baby daddy

April 3, 2010

so i just watched yet another episode of a baby story…it was a tearjerker as usual. the mother to be…

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