20 weeks!

January 30, 2010

Kind of like a half-marathon (not that I would know anything about running a half or being pregnant), we’ve made the 20 week point. People say this is the half-way mark, but from all of the Baby Stories I’ve seen on TV (trust me, there have been a lot thanks to my wife) most babies come anywhere between 36 and 39 weeks, when the baby is considered full term. Here is the reason I didn’t become a professional journalist – my source for that comment was watching approx. 100 episodes of “A Baby Story” in 4 months.

The nursery is coming along. We have had everything up for a week now, but we are getting new shelving for the dresser (today, I think). There was a crack in the top piece of the old on. Nothing major, but Grandma Jan felt it was enough to get a new one. That woman can work wonders! She was able to get a brand new shelf for nothing.

Nicole’s belly is becoming more prominent, which is a good thing. She says she’s gained about 10 lbs, which is right at what babycenter.com says is good. Now we are to expect about a pound a week. That means my belly (because we all know it’s really about the men here) is growing about the same.

P.S. – Happy pregnancy to our friends Rob and Nikki (same names, I know!) who are celebrating their baby shower for their girl today!