13 for 13

December 31, 2012

I have approximately half an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to write my New Year’s resolutions for 2013. After that, the TV turns off and I need to accomplish 4,982 things before 2012 ends.

So here goes. What I plan to accomplish in 2013:
1) First and foremost, have a baby. As part of that I would like to breastfeed said baby for at least 6 months or through 2013. While I realize this isn’t totally within my control, I feel like I need to set a goal from the outset.
2) Sell our house and buy a new one. To do this, I’d like to save some extra cash by giving up going out to eat, at least for Lent. I’m writing this one without Rob’s knowledge so I’ll have to publish it before he wakes up.
3) Make progress on my thesis. I’d hoped to graduate in 2012, and I know with a new baby it might be hard to do that even in 2013, but I’d really like to have gotten approval and at least finished my interviews by the time #2 comes along.
4) Fit back into my clothes by the end of the year. Moreso than this, I want to have established an exercise routine by the end of 2013. With Faith, it took me about 8 months to get going again. Instead of 12 races in 2012, I want to do ONE race in 2013. Maybe a warm weather one in December. (Are you hearing me, Iowa State football players?)
5) Take a vacation. Whether that be a long weekend away just the two of us, or a short family vacation with all FOUR of us, I would really like to get out of Iowa/Nebraska for a few days. I’m excited just thinking about it!
6) Maintain my blogs. Pregnancy has derailed my regularly scheduled blogging. I’m so exhausted by 8:30 at night that I collapse on the couch. Hoping once baby is born I’ll have more energy — hard to even say that with a straight face. Going for four per month both here and on the CB blog.
7) Last year, I resolved to read 12 books. Let’s go with 13 for the coming year. 
8) Learn to sew. Well, to hem, mend and sew a button on at least. Been wanting to do this for years as not knowing how makes me feel super incompetent. I have to thank my mom for offering me three free lessons as a Christmas gift. Really excited about this!

9) Scrapbook our Ireland vacation. I’ve printed all the pics, saved all the proper paraphernalia and even bought paper and stickers. Thinking of hosting a Friday night scrapbooking club for a month. Cari McClannahan, you in?

10) Since I didn’t read my camera manual in 2012 as I’d planned, I’ll say that again, but more importantly, I want to get better about using and remembering to take our nice camera. Every time we use it to take a shot versus our iPhones, it’s so much better. Now to do that more often.

11) Speaking of iPhones, my goal is to disconnect from my phone while I’m home at night, at least from the hours of 6-8 unless it rings or beeps. I hope my husband will join me in this one.

12) Plant some flowers at our new house. I have a black thumb, but I hope I can learn to landscape a little bit better in the coming year. I just need someone to teach me as I hate spending money on things that die in the next month. Excited for a fresh start in a new place.

13) Be the best wife, mother and person I can be. I realize this is vague, but I want to be more understanding, less critical and all around nicer to those who are most important to me.

Happy New Year!